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Our full disclaimer terms shall apply to the promotion email. The information contained in the promotion email and promotion material, its attachments and other related material issued by Skytree Strategy (the “Content”) are for information purposes only. The Content does not constitute a solicitation or offer to invest in securities or collective investment schemes, and should not be regarded as advice on securities or collective investment schemes or other financial or investment concerns. The Content has not been authorised or approved by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any other regulatory body. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to the Content. You should obtain independent professional advice before making an investment decision in relation to the Content. 租金滙款共承服務
1)客戶之日本物業, 皆由日方管理公司直接管理,對應及負責, 本公司為客戶提供之滙款共承服務旨於節省海外滙款之銀行手續費用, 本司不會承擔任何財務上之責任 。